October 12, 2017

Please join the Region 6 PTAC on Oct. 19 for its Mini Meet the Buyer Series, featuring the Genesee County Purchasing Department. This event will provide more insight on how to connect with the Genesee County Purchasing Department.

“The format features a single buyer who will have 20 minutes to share information about their organization and what they buy,” said Stacy Betts, PTAC Regional Director. “The supply will have then have an opportunity to briefly present their company’s capabilities. The event is being repeated at several different locations this year and next.”

The Oct. 19 event will be held from 9-10 a.m. at the Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce, 519 S. Saginaw St. in Flint. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. To register: http://tinyurl.com/MeetGCPD16

For additional information, please contact Courtney Patterson at 810-600-4075 or cpatterson@flintandgenesee.org.