Visit the Motorcities National Heritage Area website and you just might see some familiar sites in the opening video.  Flint area auto-related attractions are among those featured in a newly launched video highlighting Michigan’s automotive history.  The video, which showcases attractions around the state, was produced by The Motorcities National Heritage Area. The Flint & Genesee Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) worked collaboratively with the Detroit CVB, Lansing CVB and Ypsilanti CVB to promote sites in each region.

Cheryl DeFrain, Director of the Flint & Genesee CVB says participating in the video provides an additional way to promote our rich automotive legacy.

“Having a chance to promote Sloan Museum, the Buick Gallery and the Cultural Center through this video is just another way to invite people to ‘See what’s possible’ in Flint & Genesee,” said DeFrain.  “By shedding a light on our history as a region we celebrate our role in the American auto industry.”

The Motorcities National Heritage Area is an affiliate of the National Park Service dedicated to preserving, interpreting and promoting the automotive and labor heritage of the State of Michigan.   Motorcities is one of 49 Heritage Areas designated by Congress across the country.