Federal Contracting 1.0 in Montrose
Learn how your business can benefit from working with the federal government at the Genesee Regional Chamber of Commerce Procurement Technical Assistance Center’s (PTAC) Federal Contracting 1.0 workshop. The seminar takes place on Tuesday, December 4 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Montrose Public Library.
Dustin Frigy, Director of PTAC for the Regional Chamber says that the Federal government purchases almost everything including products and services.
“Federal government purchases represent a $500 billion market place,” said Frigy. “Businesses large and small can benefit from working with the Federal government. If you come to the seminar on December 4, we will show you the nuts and bolts of government contracting, so that you can explore the possibilities for your business.”
Attendees also will learn about the services and support the Regional Chamber PTAC has available to help with the contracting process. The workshop will benefit management and employees who currently support or have an interest in facilitating government contracting within their companies.
The seminar focuses on the following topics:
- Eligibility Requirements
- Types of Solicitations
- Marketing Strategies
- Laws and Regulations
- How to Request a Post-Submission Debriefing
- What Products and Services does the federal government buy?
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
- How to Obtain Bid Information
There is no cost to attend, but reservations are required. The Montrose Public Library is located at 241 Feher Drive. in Montrose.
To register call Chelsea Schutz at (810) 600-1437 or email ptac@thegrcc.org.