Tim Herman, CEO

I was talking to two of my colleagues the other day and once again we were amazed at how quickly the days of summer are passing. I was looking for an event on my calendar and suddenly it hit me that August is here… not soon, but now!

We have a number of activities scheduled for August. Of these events, there are three that I want to highlight here in my column and extend my personal invitation.

On August 15, we will host “Meet the Candidates”, an event that gives you, our members an opportunity to interact with individuals who are running for a public office.  There will be lots of time to mingle, during which you will have a chance to ask questions on matters that are important to you and/or your business. We hope this forum will give you greater insight on where the candidates stand on key issues and ultimately help you make informed voting decisions.

Mid morning on August 16, we will host a Shared Services “Partners for Progress” event to announce a Community Report and Recommendations prepared by a coalition of public and private sector leaders. We will also announce how the initiative will be handled going forward and become institutionalized in the region. This is an important initiative that -- in the long-term – can increase our community’s competitiveness for investment, jobs and project funding.  We hope you will show your support, and come out and join us for the positive news.

Later in the day on August 16, we are primed to show our members a great time. With Back to the Bricks as a backdrop, the Regional Chamber will host Hot Rods & Hot Dogs, our annual member appreciation event.  Food, music and socializing… and perhaps a little dancing will be center stage.  We are very excited to host this event and honor our members.

I hope to see you at one or all of these events. If you want more information, please visit our website. To RSVP, please contact Brian Sullivan at bsullivan@thegrcc.org or 810.600.1404.

Take care!